Saturday, May 26, 2007

A Heart-Stopping Night

Wednesday night I had a late softball game and I was working on some things for school the next day. It was about 11:15 and all of a sudden it felt like a car slammed into the side of the townhouse. I immediately had that feeling inside when you are driving and you avoid an accident. Your heart starts beating faster and you get a little flushed. That is what I felt like. Then I realized that I had just experienced an earthquake. I was done with my work and I went upstairs, Cheryl had felt it as well, probably even more than me because she was on the second floor. About 15 minutes later there was another shock that rattled one of our cabinets against the wall upstairs. Again, it was a crazy feeling where you think that something just slammed into the side of the house. So I can officially say that I am a Californian because I have felt an earthquake.

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